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When Things Fall Apart
by Pema Chödrön

This book is like finding calm during a storm. It's a refuge and reminder that life doesn't have to be so serious. Its all about how we relate to the things around us and what happens to us. We don't have to fight, sometimes we can even just laugh. It sits on my shelf as a safe haven and resource for life. 

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck 
by Mark Manson

This book liberated me from the confines of overthinking and self conscious behavior. It's witty, direct and refreshing. It is relevant to modern day and applicable in real time. Sort of a no-bullshit guide to authenticity. 

Taking Responsibility 
by Nathaniel Branden

Now this one- blew the lid off my reality. It frames accountability and self reliance as the keys to personal satisfaction and relationship success. When we see that we are responsible for everything in our lives, and finally take full accountability, we are free. It's ironic, I know. But trust me, the power is entirely within. 

The Four Agreements 
by Don Miguel Ruiz

An absolute classic and lifelong resource. Life CAN be simple. Really. Here are 4 fundamental principals to integrate in your spirit and guide you through all aspects of life. Free yourself- seriously! It's a quick and easy read, too. Gotta love that. 

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